Cinefoil   60cm x 7.62m roll Cinefoil 60cm x 7.62m roll
5 stars - "Review for Cinefoil 60cm x 7.62m roll" This Cinefoil 60cm x 7.62m roll is the best Floor and Scenery Treatments I have tried.

Cinefoil 60cm x 7.62m roll

Product ID: `101010012425
Brand: Rosco

View or buy the Floor and Scenery Treatments Stage Enhancement - Cinefoil 60cm x 7.62m roll from Rosco to discover other options and shipping details.


Cinefoil™   60cm x 7.62m roll

Matte Black Cinefoil is a matte black aluminum material that virtually soaks up light. Ideal for masking light leaks and/or eliminating unwanted reflections.
It can be quickly molded to form barndoors, flags and other configurations.
Lightweight, yet durable, Cinefoil can be quickly positioned in place with tape, staples or adhesives.

Product Numbers

#01001 2425 Matte Black Cinefoil 24" x 25'
#01001 1250 Matte Black Cinefoil 12" x 50'
#01001 4825 Matte Black Cinefoil 48" x 25'

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